Newsletter 10


5 Ways To Finance Your Business

As your business grows and your sales increase, your costs for running your business will also increase. Improving old styles and developing new ones will add costs to your budget. You will most certainly come to a point where the sales revenue isn’t enough to finance the growth of your company. You will need to look at ways of financing your business and cover the costs until you make enough revenue to pay it back. Here we take a look at 5 different options for financing your business.

Read the full article.

How To Start & Run An Apparel Brand – Webinar

Are you about to start an apparel brand? Are you new in the apparel business? Are you a young professional who is just starting your own company or are you running a start-up?

Where do you start? What do you do? What’s the process?

These questions and more are addressed in this webinar. You will learn about the process and different steps of launching a brand, from idea to launch and beyond. You will also hear about common and costly mistakes to avoid.

Sign up and watch it for free at ISPO Academy.

Rules For Working In A Studio

Seth Godin is a marketing wizard who has written 18 (!) bestselling books. We can in particular recommend Purple Cow – Transform Your Business By Being Remarkable. Follow his blog for tips and inspiration around marketing and how to stand out.

Read Seth’s take on working in a studio.

How A Welsh Jeans Firm Became A Cult Global Brand

It is always inspirational and refreshing to hear the journey of other apparel brands. BBC has taken a look at the Hiut Denim Company and how they are reviving a Welch town’s old jeans-making industry.

Read more about Hiut Denim here.

Recommended Books To Elevate You & Your Brand

It is not a secret that most successful people spend a lot of time on self-development through reading. We love books and have put together a list with 10 books (and we’ll add more) that can be helpful for you when running your apparel brand.

Take a look at the book list here.

Sportswear Inc. is for you, the free-spirited creative who wants to start and run a business on your own terms, with complete creative freedom. Self education is a quick and easy way of getting your idea off the ground and make it into a profitable business.


This Course will guide you through our proven 6-step success blueprint, on how to go from just an idea, to learning exactly what it takes to launch your own profitable sustainable apparel brand. 


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